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Views 16.425 19 dic
Christmas in Latin America known as Navidad is one of the most important events in the year. It is celebrated with even more devotion than in other parts of the world due to the omnipresence of Christianity; after all, Christmas is centered around the age-old story of Jesus’ birth on the 24th of December.
For most Latinos it is very much a religious holiday with families attending together the Misa de Gallo (Mass of the Rooster because it usually finishes at 1 am when the rooster announces the coming day). Christmas Eve or Noche Buena really is the time of giving, but many Latin American families also keep alive the Día de los Tres Reyes. Those children who have behaved themselves well will receive a second round of presents on January 6th from the Three Wise Men, just like they did after Jesus was born.
Besides all the similarities, there is great influence from the different indigenous people of the region and many Latin American cultures hang on to their own curiosities during Christmas time:
In Chile they do a toast with a monkey’s tail. Not what you might think, but the cola de mono is a traditional Christmas cocktail made with milk, coffee, sugar, cinnamon and brandy. Father Christmas is known as Viejito Pascuero who wishes everyone a Feliz Navidad. And at New Year’s Eve they have the habit to burn huge dolls made out of old clothes, paper and wood with the fire supposedly eradicating all the bad and purifying the start of the New Year.
Views 11.744 19 sep
Quito is a true marvel set between beautiful pacific beaches and the flanks of the snowcapped Andean mountains, looked upon by the volcano Pichincha. Due to its close proximity to the equator it is blessed with a perfect spring like climate of around 20 °C year-round.
At 2,850 meters altitude the city is referred to as the crown of the Andes, not only because it is the highest capital in the world but also due to its rich colonial heritage. An endless number of monuments, manor houses and religious abbeys filled with sparkling golden altars take up a big part of the best preserved old city center of Latin America, with the snow white cathedral on the plaza Grande as its majestic flagship.
Views 20.815 30 ago
Honduras is blessed with some of Mother Nature’s most pristine environments in all Central America. Famous for its lush jungle lands, breathtaking mountains, challenging rivers and ‘claro’… its awe-inspiring Caribbean coast.
While enjoying the turquoise waters stretching as far as the eye can see, it’s an absolute must to hop over to the close by Bay Islands. A true diver’s paradise, with the world’s second largest living coral reef surrounding the isles of Roatan, Utila and Guanaja, it also offers superb snorkeling, kayaking and excellent lazing on palm beaches with sand white as a snow!
Views 8.757 22 ago
When you say Mexico, almost by default, imaginings of mariachi musicians wearing big sombreros (and big moustaches!), tacos soaked in chili sauce or guacamole dip, day of the dead, white sandy beaches and the oh so notorious tequila shots spring to your mind.
Legitimately belonging to North-America, many parts of the country have more in common with neighboring Central American countries. A country so extremely rich in history and culture, yet so diverse and full of contrasts.
It boast one of the largest metropolises in the world, Mexico City with its bustling 20 – 30 million ‘chilangos’ (depending on which statistic to believe), and at the same time some of the most quaint and picturesque ‘pueblitos’, such as Todos Santos, home to the Eagles’ Hotel California, where time has stood still since long ago.
Views 13.940 3 ago
Our Working Holiday programs take place in the most spectacular regions of Chile. The long stretched country is well known for its exceptionally beautiful landscapes and outdoor activities, and has therefore incredibly much to offer for tourists, adventure seekers and to the program’s participants!
You get the unique opportunity to live and work in touristic hotspots of your choice throughout Chile. Go and explore the northern Atacama Desert, the driest in the world famous for its contrasting landscapes and sand boarding thrills; the monstrous snow-capped volcanoes, skiing slopes, the Chilean Lake District with its rolling hills and distinguished vineyards and of course the end of the world, known as the Southern Frontier with massive blue ice fields. Chile is without a doubt one of the most naturally diverse countries in South America.
Views 8.865 28 may
When I first came to South America I was consumed with thoughts of Argentina. Thus when my housemate decided to take a trip up to Peru a month into our stay I was caught a little bit off guard. My initial reaction: why would anyone want to leave a place this great so soon? With time, however, the thought of accompanying her became more and more appealing and a month after my friend first breached the subject, we were on the road headed to Pisco, Peru.
Why Pisco? (For those of you who are unfamiliar with South American geography: Pisco is a tiny city on the South West Coast of Peru; let´s just say it didn´t exactly make the cut for top ten places to visit in Peru, it claims two pages in SA’s Lonely Planet’s guide). Given our intents to volunteer, however, the lack of tourist attractions in Pisco was not exactly an issue . Indeed, our time was kept busy with the construction of houses for local families. Not only did this experience add some real substance to my travels in SA, but it was incredibly fun as well. If you have the time to do some volunteer work during your stay I highly recommend it.